136 Fitzmaurice Street
(PO Box 667)
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Monday - Friday 8:45am - 5.15pm

We aim to exceed our clients expectations and provide true value for money services.
21 January
Lodge and pay quarter 2, 2022-23 PAYG instalment activity statement for head companies of consolidated groups.
Lodge and pay December 2022 monthly business activity statement except for business clients with up to $10 million turnover who report GST monthly and lodge electronically.
28 January
Make quarter 2, 2022-23 super guarantee contributions to funds by this date.
31 January
Lodge TFN report for closely held trusts if any beneficiary quoted their TFN to a trustee in quarter 2, 2022-23
21 February
Lodge and pay December 2022 monthly business activity statement for business clients with up to $10 million turnover who report GST monthly and lodge electronically.
Lodge and pay January 20223 monthly business activity statement.
28 February
Lodge tax return for non-taxable large/medium entities as per the latest year lodged (except individuals).
Lodge tax returns for new registrant (taxable and non-taxable) large/medium entities (except individuals).
Lodge tax return for non-taxable head company of a consolidated group, including a new registrant, that has a member who has been deemed a large/medium entity in the latest year lodged.
Lodge tax return for any member of a consolidated group who exits the consolidated group for any period during the year of income.
Lodge tax return for large/medium new registrant (non-taxable) head company of a consolidated group.
Lodge and pay Self-managed superannuation fund annual return (NAT 71226) for new registrant (taxable and non-taxable) SMSF, unless they have been advised of a 31 October 2022 due date at finalisation of a review of the SMSF at registration.
Lodge and pay quarter 2, 2022-23 activity statement for all lodgment methods.
Pay quarter 2, 2022-23 instalment notice (form R, S or T). Lodge the notice only if you vary the instalment amount.
Annual GST return – lodge (and pay if applicable) if the taxpayer does not have a tax return lodgment obligation.
Lodge and pay quarter 2, 2022-23 Superannuation guarantee charge statement - quarterly if the employer did not pay enough contributions on time.
​MARCH 2023
21 March
Lodge and pay February 2023 monthly business activity statement.
31 March
Lodge tax return for companies and super funds with total income of more than $2 million in the latest year lodged (excluding large/medium taxpayers), unless the return was due earlier.
Lodge tax return for the head company of a consolidated group (excluding large/medium), with a member who had a total income in excess of $2 million in their latest year lodged, unless the return was due earlier.
Lodge tax return for individuals and trusts whose latest return resulted in a tax liability of $20,000 or more, excluding large/medium trusts.
2023 Individual Income Tax Return Checklist
Individual Non-Business Fuel Tax Credit
Small Business Superannuation Clearing House
Child Support
Small Title
XERO Factsheet
MYOB Online Software - Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejyRg0FATko